Nestled amidst the lush, rolling landscapes of Malabar Hills, a 1750 sq.ft home held the heart of Mr. Damani, who fondly remembered it as his childhood haven. Returning to this cherished abode with his wife, the couple embarked on a journey to breathe new life into the old house. Their design concept revolved around sustainability and warmth, transforming the space into a cozy retreat that resonated with their values. The design palette was a tapestry of sustainable materials, with wood taking the centre stage. Wooden textures adorned the floors, ceilings, and custom furniture, inviting a rustic, earthy charm that seamlessly blended the past with the present. Minimalism guided the decor, favoring clean lines and a neutral colour scheme, allowing the natural beauty of the wood to shine. Large windows ushered in the bountiful natural light, forming a connection with the lush surroundings while ensuring a comfortable space for their beloved pet dog. Their home was not just a nod to his nostalgia but a symbol of their commitment to the environment. The return to his childhood home marked a renaissance, with a space that embodied the embrace of history, love, and the promise of a cozy, sustainable future.